I don't think so, JL. My brother, sister, and I have seen (and own) every movie, and I read the book at age 10. We've also played all the games. I have the siren from Alien as my notification tone, even.
I really think that it comes down to the fact that I was able to laugh out loud at some of the WTF moments because I was busy being entertained by the spectacle of it all.
Of course, in a weird twist of fate, I saw Devil immediately before Prometheus, so Logan Marshall-Green got a carryover.
The lineup for movies in Forsyth is...Brave, then Spiderman (I'll pass, as I've never liked any Spiderman movies, games, or literature), and then the next Batman. I'll see Batman, but right now my hopes for it aren't that high.
CCD, Charlize Theron and M. Fassbender (in my mind) really steal the show in Prometheus. Hopefully you like it, but I'd go in with a mindset that Alien is cool, and this is just different and tangentially winking at Alien.
I've been wanting to see SW&tH and CitW. I missed MiB III, but I'll see it eventually for Josh Brolin.
Oh, and continental dimorphism: