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PM Outbox Question

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airtrainer 12 Jan 17, 11:49Post
I recently discovered that my outbox was full, does this mean that the last messages I've sent were not actually sent ? Just curious.
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ShanwickOceanic (netAirspace FAA) 12 Jan 17, 12:40Post
Outbox, or Sent Items?

There is a limit on how many messages can be in any given folder. If you've kept everything from the beginning, Sent Items could well be full. You can create subfolders in Inbox, which I think gets around that limitation, but I've never tried it with Sent Items.

Outbox holds only messages that have been sent but not yet read. Once read, they move to Sent Items. I'd be very surprised if Outbox were full, unless you're in the habit of PMing the deceased/permabanned/inactive :) But I've been wrong before...
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airtrainer 12 Jan 17, 17:31Post
Oh sorry, I meant the sent items. So if the message is not read it stays in the outbox, so it can be delivered even if the sent items folder is full, am I right ?
New airlines, new routes, new countries... back in the air
Zak (netAirspace FAA) 12 Jan 17, 17:43Post
Depends on your settings.

In the PM Rules, Folders and Settings menu, you can select the behaviour for full folders.

The default setting is that, if a new message is added to a full folder, the oldest will be deleted in its stead.

But you can also chose a setting that no new messages will be accepted until you clean the folder up. I'm not sure how that will affect sent messages, though.
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airtrainer 12 Jan 17, 22:04Post
Thanks for your replies :)
New airlines, new routes, new countries... back in the air

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