I started playing around just now and came up with a new technique that combines the best results of HDR and Contrast Mask techniques. It's like an HDR image that isn't terribly over saturated and haloed out, but sharper and with more color than an image treated with just contrast mask.
Step 1: Take 3 exposures, just like an HDR.
Step 2: In photoshop, add all three exposures to one image. Bottom layer should be the darkest image, top layer should be the brightest image. Set the middle and top layer setting to "overlay"
Step 3: Apply contrast mask techniques to the middle layer ONLY. To do contrast mask:
- The layer should already be set to Overlay
- Image > Adjustments > Desaturate
- Image > Adjustments > Invert
- Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set radius anywhere from 20 to 60 pixels, depending on what looks good.
Step 4: Brightness is adjusted by adjusting the opacity of the top and bottom layers. If the image is too bright, bring down the top layer. If the image is too dark, bring down the bottom layer.
Step 5: Enjoy!
Contrast Mask Process
HDR Process
Hybrid Process