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2014 NFL Fantasy

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GQfluffy (Database Editor & Founding Member) 06 Aug 14, 14:59Post
Anyone up for a fantasy league this year?
Teller of no, fixer of everything, friend of the unimportant and all around good guy; the CAD Monkey
BCA 06 Aug 14, 17:34Post
I'm up for game picks; I don't really get into the player by player granularity usually.
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 08 Aug 14, 17:17Post
I started a Yahoo fantasy sports football league if anyone cares to join. League draft I've put for Sunday evening 930PM EST, live draft. I figured a Sunday would be a free day for most and a couple/few weeks away would allow time to get your picks in order. 10 teams max, let's keep it in here if we can and check out the scoring and settings to see if there's anything that you think may need changing. Except for the live draft function (instead of autopick - which I'm considering doing instead) this league is based on one in which I've been involved for at least 8 seasons, and it works alright for us.

League name - netAirspace
Yahoo League ID - 709656

Odd, it didn't ask for a password. To save you time, I copied/pasted the scoring and settings below

League ID#: 709656
League Name: netAirspace
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sun Aug 24 9:30pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Max Teams: 10
Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute, 30 Seconds
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo Sports
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: November 14, 2014
Allow Draft Pick Trades: No
Trade Review: Commissioner
Waiver Time: 2 days
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Weekly Waivers Game Time - Tuesday
Post Draft Players: Free Agents
Invite Sharing Tools: Enabled
Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams) Note: Week 16 runs 7 days from Dec 16 to Dec 22
Playoff Reseeding: No
Divisions: No
Lock Eliminated Teams: No
League Pickem: Yes
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
Fractional Points: Yes
Negative Points: Yes
Make League Publicly Viewable: No
Offense League Value Yahoo Default Value
Passing Yards 30 yards per point 25 yards per point
Passing Touchdowns 6 4
Interceptions -2 -1
Rushing Yards 10 yards per point
Rushing Touchdowns 6
Reception Yards 10 yards per point
Reception Touchdowns 6
Return Touchdowns 6
2-Point Conversions 2
Fumbles Lost -2
Offensive Fumble Return TD 6
Kickers League Value Yahoo Default Value
Field Goals 0-19 Yards 3
Field Goals 20-29 Yards 3
Field Goals 30-39 Yards 3
Field Goals 40-49 Yards 4
Field Goals 50+ Yards 5
Point After Attempt Made 1
Defense/Special Teams League Value Yahoo Default Value
Sack 1
Interception 2
Fumble Recovery 2
Touchdown 6
Safety 2
Block Kick 2
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns 6
Points Allowed 0 points 10
Points Allowed 1-6 points 7
Points Allowed 7-13 points 4
Points Allowed 14-20 points 1
Points Allowed 21-27 points 0
Points Allowed 28-34 points -1
Points Allowed 35+ points -4
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 10 Aug 14, 18:00Post
I'm just going to open it up in the next couple of days or so to the public. If you want in that's fine, the limit's still 10 teams. If others from outside get in, maybe it'll give this site a little more exposure.
Boris (Founding Member) 10 Aug 14, 19:52Post
How about a link to the signup page???
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers...
halls120 (Plank Owner) 10 Aug 14, 19:58Post
I'd like to join, but I can't find the league.
At home in the PNW and loving it
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 10 Aug 14, 20:06Post
Sorry fellas, I thought the League ID was the key (that's how I had to find a friend's league one time). Hope this works right

If that link doesn't work, try this one
Boris (Founding Member) 10 Aug 14, 20:30Post
Second link worked, Thanks!
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers...
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 11 Aug 14, 13:00Post
The league is open and available, and Boris has made his way in there. Again, the link that works -

NFL Fantasy 2014

Also, by request

BCA wrote:I'm up for game picks; I don't really get into the player by player granularity usually.

Pro Football Fantasy Pick 'Em

If that doesn't work, try this one, otherwise you may have to just go to the Yahoo fantasy sports home page and select "join a group" and make your way to this private group.

Group ID is 12575
Password is whiners.
halls120 (Plank Owner) 12 Aug 14, 00:37Post
Allstarflyer wrote:The league is open and available, and Boris has made his way in there. Again, the link that works -

NFL Fantasy 2014

NoVa 49ers are registered and ready to go.

Joined the pick'em as well
At home in the PNW and loving it
GQfluffy (Database Editor & Founding Member) 12 Aug 14, 04:43Post
I'll signnup for both in the AM. Thanks ASF.
Teller of no, fixer of everything, friend of the unimportant and all around good guy; the CAD Monkey
Tom in NO 15 Aug 14, 14:18Post
I'm in as 'NFL Crime Time'.
"Tramps like us"-Bruce Springsteen
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 15 Aug 14, 19:35Post
If the leagues aren't filled by tomorrow night around midnight, I'm planning to open up the leagues to the public to fill them. You guys can invite players to fill the leagues. One thing I was thinking - if you guys want to limit it to just 8 players on the head-to-head, that makes for a rich waiver wire. 10 is the most teams I would care to have in the league (as far as head-to-head) - it can make for thin teams otherwise.
Allstarflyer (Database Editor & Founding Member) 24 Aug 14, 13:53Post
If anyone wants to join fantasy football, we live draft tonight and we still need a minimum of one more team (Yahoo will not allow a draft with an odd number of teams since it's head-to-head). ... a&l=709656
GQfluffy (Database Editor & Founding Member) 25 Aug 14, 03:12Post
Ah dammit...been on hydrocordone thanks to kidney stones and forgot all about the draft. Sorry guys. My team looks ok I suppose. May be open to trades. :-)
Teller of no, fixer of everything, friend of the unimportant and all around good guy; the CAD Monkey

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