Queso wrote:There have been several "rug pulls" over the past couple of years (I lost a couple of thousand $$$ on Luna), if that and all their unanswered questions about XRP didn't do it, I doubt FTX will.
Big difference. Luna collapsed because the investors themselves lost confidence in the currency. That can happen to any regularly traded stock.
XRP went under because of an actual suit brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for supposedly violating SEC rules about selling unregistered securities, which is allegedly the way XRP executives marketed their cryptocurrency.
Neither of those made the media splash that FTX did because one was initiated by the customers, the other is a technical violation that most people don't understand. FTX is something that most people can understand. A group of individuals took investors for a ride using their money to finance the "executives" (I use that term loosely) lavish lifestyles. What will drive the regulation bus will be the fact that they made several high-profile politicians and media stars look really bad in the process.
What's the point of an open door policy if inside the open door sits a closed mind?